The 24 Hour Hike Route

Tomorrow morning I will start on a 24 hour long hike as part of the Alzheimer’s Association’s “The Longest Day” campaign, which lands on the longest day of the year.

I will start hiking at the Poo Poo Point (hehe…) trailhead and hike the 42 miles to the Pacific Crest Trail at Snoqualime Pass. The map below shows the route and will be updated with my current location, approximately every hour, as I go. I had originally planned to start from my front door, which would have put the hike to the PCT at 55 miles. As much as I would like to say I could, I don’t think I could mange 55 miles in a day with a full backpack. 42 on the other hand…

I will also posting quick hourly video updates which you can view here or on my Instagram. Since i’ll be listening to a lot of music I’ll also post my favorite song of the past hour. I have a feeling that things might get weird, sleep deprivation and exhaustion are a hell of combo.

Each hour I’ll take a quick 5 to 10 minute break to post updates and do some stretching along with two 30 minute to 1 hour meal beaks. If I reach the PCT before the 24 hours is I’ll keep going until the time is up. Depending on where I end up i’ll either jump in a car back home or pitch a tent and sleep for a few hours before hiking back to the pass to get picked up.

I hope you follow along and invite others to do the same, it should be interesting to watch at the very least. I also want to thank everyone who has made a donation already, your kindness is amazing. To those that haven’t made a donation yet please consider doing so by clicking this link. If you can’t make a monetary donation you can always just share this link with a friend.

24 Hours of Hiking!

Last year when I set out on my Pacific Crest Trail adventure I did so in conjunction with the Alzheimer’s Association’s Longest Day event. My mom’s partner Lori was living with Alzheimer’s and she was his full-time caregiver, I figured that I could support those that I love by doing what I love. By partnering with the Alzheimer’s I was able to raise awareness about the disease and raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Association, which provides care, support and research.

Just a short time ago Lori passed away due to the progression of his Alzheimer’s. Luckily he passed peacefully with my mom by his side. When I found out I felt a mix of sadness and relief. Sad because Lori is no longer with us but relief that he is no longer suffering and that my mom could finally rest. She gave everything to give him the best quality of life she could. It was difficult to Lori change from a very happy, talkative, curious, funny guy to someone who was confused, need to be fed and hardly talk in just a few years. And that’s just what I saw, I can’t wrap my head around how difficult it was for my mom.

So this year I am once again participating in The Longest Day to honor my mom and Lori, along with everyone who has been impacted by Alzheimer’s. This year I’m going to be true to the term “The Longest Day”, which occurs on the longest day of the year, and hike for 24 hours straight (minus some breaks to do things like eat).

So on June 21st, after saying goodbye to my wife Cristina and my daughter Pepper, I will walk out my front door and hike for 24 hours towards the Pacific Crest Trail at Snoqualmie Pass. The hike to the pass is roughly 40 miles, so I will probably end up doing a bit hiking along the PCT as well. At the very least I will make it to the pass, even if it takes more than 24 hours.

Since I will have cell coverage a majority of the time I will be live blogging my hike, posting video updates at least every hour. I have a lot of ideas I’m still working through, such as taking questions as I hike, sharing what music I’m listening to and more. Check back often, or better yet subscribe to my blog, to follow along as all the details come together and watch as I hike for 24 hours straight!

In the meantime, please make a donation to the Alzheimer’s Association by clicking here. If you want to learn about Alzheimer’s and the Alzheimer’s Association please click here.

This idea came together quickly and June 21st is just around the corner,so please share this with as many people as possible to help get the word out!!!

Thank you for reading and all your support!!

To San Diego

The last few days have been stressful. My stomach has been in knots as I got ready to head out to hike the Pacific Crest Trail. I’ve said my goodbyes and drank way too much at my send off party. I’ve finished prepping my resupply boxes, practiced setting up my tent and have packed everything into my backpack. I even shaved my head and got a couple tanning sessions in. Luckily as I finished getting ready today the stress subsided and my excitement has ramped up. Having everything in your life change is a difficult thing to navigate through for sure.

I’m now sitting in SeaTac airport waiting to board my one way flight to San Diego for a few days of relaxing before heading out to conquer the PCT. Tomorrow will be a day of relaxation as I mentally prepare for what’s ahead. I’m purposely not planning anything as I really want to make sure that I have time to adjust. Although, I’ve been thinking about the beach and Mexican food. Monday I’ll head over to stay with Scout & Frodo, a couple that generously hosts PCT hikers before giving them a ride to the trailhead in the morning. I think there are 34 of us, including some international hikers, staying with them Monday night.

After that I’ll begin my new life of hiking and sleeping in a tent (with the occasional nights in a hotel). This blog will be the best way to keep up to date on my trek. Once I hit the trail I’ll begin posting videos as well as normal blog post and pictures. You can also follow me on Instagram for more of the day to day updates, I’ll be using the Stories feature a lot. If you are curious about where I’m at the Map link in the menu will give give you a map with my current location. You can also send me messages through the contact form or through Instagram. Also, don’t forget to click the Donate link and make a contribution to the Alzheimer’s association if you haven’t already. If you already have, thank you!!

Even though there are way to many of you to list here I want to thank everyone who has helped me get here and given me words of support and wisdom. Especially Cristina, my parents and my brother. I love you all and am so grateful to have you in my life. I couldn’t do this without you!